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Two UF Neuropsychology students receive research awards

Lauren Kenney receives “Best Translational Neuropsychology Student Research” award from APA Division 40.  Lauren will present her research during the Blue Ribbon Awards symposium at the 2020 annual meeting of APA in Washington, DC.  Her project is entitled “Classifying Cognitive Subtypes in Non-Demented Individuals with Parkinson Disease:  A data-driven Approach”…

Tips for choosing a DBS device

In the journal JAMA Neurology, Dr. Michael Okun discusses the challenge of selecting an appropriate DBS system for an individual patient.

Short & Long Term effects of DBS discussed at World Parkinson Congress

Dr. Michael Okun presented “DBS Outcomes: What can you expect in the short term and the long term?” at the 2016 World Parkinson Congress. To watch: Click here to register Choose September 21st Click Dr. Okun’s talk in the list There are lots of other great talks on that…

Dystonia patient receives 1,000th DBS lead implanted at UF Health

The POST, a monthly magazine by Univeristy of Florida Health, published the story of 14-year-old Felipe Hanel and the deep brain stimulation (DBS) surgery to treat his dystonia. Felipe received the 1000th DBS lead implanted by the UF Health Center for Movement Disorders & Neurorestoration team.

Alzheimer’s Deep Brain Stimulation: A New Treatment at University of Florida

This article appeared in the Gainesville Sun about the University of Florida team that is participating in the important trial using deep brain stimulation to treat memory problems in Alzheimer’s disease. UF is part of a small but nationwide study and will be covering the entire South and Southeast U.S.

Exciting dystonia DBS patient story shared

In generalized dystonia, muscles that should contract & relax to cooperate with each other contract at the same time and fight against each other. This causes awkward & painful postures and makes movement very difficult. We see young people with this disorder regularly. We are excited to share this patient…

TEDx Video on Deep Brain Stimulation is “Talk of the Day”

A video of our talk on deep brain stimulation from the 2012 TEDxUF event was posted as a “Talk of the Day” on TEDx’s Google Plus, Twitter & Facebook this past week. We were excited to tell these stories and discuss deep brain stimulation in this kind of venue.