The UF Health Movement Disorders & Neurorestoration Program is founded on the philosophy that integrated, interdisciplinary care is the most effective approach for patients with movement disorders.

UF Health Movement Disorders Centers of Excellence

Florida Parkinson Foundation Center of Excellence

The Parkinson Foundation’s Centers of Excellence are chosen by a peer-review committee that bases designation on an individual center’s demonstrated excellence, their resources, and their dedication to Parkinson research, clinical care and outreach initiatives.

Florida Parkinson Foundation Center of Excellence

Lewy Body Dementia Association Research Center of Excellence

The Lewy Body Dementia Association Research Center of Excellence award recognizes centers nationwide who have distinguished experts in the diagnosis and management of Lewy body dementia (LBD) and creates a network of research centers committed to developing safe and effective treatment for people living with the disease.

UF Health Lewy Body Dementia Association Research Center of Excellence

Tourette Association of America Center of Excellence

Kids and adults living with Tic and Tourette syndrome need an interdisciplinary environment for treatment, and also an opportunity to participate in cutting edge research. The Norman Fixel Institute for Neurological Diseases at UF Health and the UF Center for OCD, Anxiety and Related Disorders (C-COARD) have come together to provide that environment.

UF Health Tourette Association of America Center of Excellence

Interdisciplinary deep brain stimulation at UF Health profiled by Smithsonian Magazine


There often is a wall between the neurosurgeon and the neurologist in Deep Brain Stimulation procedures. But there has been no wall between Dr. Kelly Foote & Dr. Michael Okun or between our other neurologists and the neurosurgeon. Our team was featured in an article in Smithsonian Magazine.

Okun & Foote during DBS surgery

News Updates

Call For Artists

Fixel Institute Expansion Open Call for Artwork Are you or your loved one an artist? As the Fixel Institute is growing, we want to enhance…


UF Movement Disorders

Upcoming Events

  1. Feb 14

  2. Feb 21

  3. Feb 28

  4. Mar 07

    1. Care Partner Group

      Norman Fixel Institute for Neurological Diseases, 3009 SW Williston Rd, Gainesville, FL 32608, USA

      11:00am to 12:30pm

  5. Mar 14

Parkinson’s Treatment Tips