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Call For Artists

Fixel Institute Expansion Open Call for Artwork Are you or your loved one an artist? As the Fixel Institute is growing, we want to enhance the patient experience with your artwork! Currently seeking the following type of uplifting themes: Florida waters, science related and portraits.

Hurricane Preparedness with Parkinson’s

With an active hurricane season upon us, it is important to help people with Parkinson’s disease (PD) and their families prepare for such emergency situations. Planning for natural disasters is stressful for all, but due to the complicated symptom management with PD, it is important to…

“Power in Knowing” Program Educates the Community

Parkinson’s disease (PD) affects people of all races, ethnicities and ages. However, there is a common misconception that PD only impacts older white men which has contributed to a disparity in racial and ethnic minorities across the country. With this bias and the fact that many PD symptoms can mimic…

2022 Tourette Awareness Month Activities

May 15 – June 15, 2022 Join the Tourette Association, the Alachua County and Clay County TS Groups, and the UF Health Fixel Institute for Neurological Disorders in supporting the…

“Power In Knowing” Program

Parkinson’s disease (PD) affects people of all races, ethnicities and ages. However, there is a common misconception that PD only impacts older white men.  This has been exacerbated and stereotyped by images of older white men demonstrating a hunched-over posture with tremors all over the internet and social media.   …

2020 Joint T32 & Movement Fellows Research Symposium

Movement Disorders and Neurorestoration Training Program 2020 Joint T32 Predoc Trainees & Movement Fellows Research Symposium University of Florida Friday, October 30th, 9:00 AM Our T32 trainees and Movement Disorders neurology fellows will present the research they’ve been working on.   Download the Joint T32 and Dellows Research…

Returning to School with TS during COVID

It can be difficult for children with Tourette Syndrome (TS) and the co-occurring conditions to handle transitions and changes in their daily life, and transitioning back to school can be particularly hard.  Historically, the start of the school year can lead to an increase in tics, anxiety or other TS-related…