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Caregiver Digest October 2020

Contributed by Kathleen Mason In the wake of COVID -19, life over the past six months has drastically changed. Many aspects of everyday activities are on hold for the foreseeable future. A physically distanced world is the recommended indefinite “new normal” for those in the PD community to stay…

Caregiver Digest September 2020

Contributed by Kathy Mason The Parkinson’ Disease (PD) journey has many twists and turns for persons with PD and caregivers alike. Knowledge is power. In order to live well with the disease, there is a need for both to understand it and what to expect with progression. The more…

Caregiver Digest July-August 2020

Contributed by Kathy Mason Coffee Break: The emotional Roller coaster of Caregiving According to AARP, six in 10 caregivers provide care for adults with a long term physical condition such…

Returning to School with TS during COVID

It can be difficult for children with Tourette Syndrome (TS) and the co-occurring conditions to handle transitions and changes in their daily life, and transitioning back to school can be particularly hard.  Historically, the start of the school year can lead to an increase in tics, anxiety or other TS-related…

Caregiver Digest June 2020

Contributed by Arlene D’Alli, MSW, LCSW and Kathy Mason It’s been said that PD is a “snowflake disease” as no two patients present the same. However, there are many similarities in the caregiver’s journey of how to most successfully deal with it. Caregivers of PD patients are resilient. They…

Maintaining Function with Parkinson’s Disease During COVID-19

Navigating Parkinson’s Disease (PD)can be a challenge. However, with the recent Coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19), staying healthy and safe can be additionally challenging.  To minimize the functional impact that this pandemic has caused on one’s physical and mental well-being, it is important to follow these simple, practical strategies for success.

Tourette Syndrome and COVID-19

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resources and Information The Coronavirus (COVID-19) has impacted our daily lives in all domains, including socially, medically, educationally, and economically. Children and adults living with tic disorders…