All Posts by

Chris Hass

CMDNR postdoctoral fellow, Elizabeth Stegemoller Ph.D., is featured in Parkinson’s Action Network program

Post doctoral fellow, Dr. Elizabeth Stegemoller is interviewed  in a recent Parkinson’s Action Network feature. In February, the Parkinson’s Action Network hosted its inaugural Postdoctoral Investigator Poster Session inWashington,DC, at which 17 researchers presented their work in the field of Parkinson’s research.  After the poster session, Dr. Stegemoller stayed in Washington…

Weight Lifting Helps Persons with Parkinson’s disease Walk Better

Perhaps contrary to a recent report in the New England Journal of Medicine, resistance training (or weight lifting) is quite beneficial for persons with PD. In a recent paper published from the Applied Neuromechanics Lab here at UF, resistance training  led to  significant and clinically relevant improvements in the length…

Having Problems with Starting to Walk?

UF graduate students in association with the Applied Neuromechanics Laboratory directed by Dr. Hass have published recent papers examining potential strategies for Parkinson patients to improve their ability to start walking. Altering the way you stand improves your ability to start walking. Positive emotions improve your ability to…