“Every Parkinson’s Patient Who Needs DBS Should Have DBS”
A program that makes provision of interdisciplinary DBS services for the referring physician and health care provider easy and time efficient. All your patients should have access to high quality interdisciplinary DBS care.
Take 3-5 minutes and fill out the FLASQ-PD DBS screening tool and fax it to us (352-627-4295) (To read the full article published in Neurology, 2004, Download the PDF)
The scale will be reviewed within 24-48 hours by one of our movement disorders surgical neurologists, and if positive your patient will be scheduled for a visit within 1-6 weeks.
Your patient will be seen by a fellowship trained movement disorders neurologist, an on-off UPDRS scale will be performed, the FLASQ-PD repeated, medicines will be optimized, and if a potential DBS candidate an immediate “FAST TRACK” evaluation initiated.
The FAST TRACK will be conveniently scheduled for two consecutive days so that your patients can make one convenient trip. They will see our fellowship trained movement disorders neurosurgeon, a PD experienced neuropsychologist, a PD experienced psychiatrist, and have a three Tesla (3T) MRI scan. If necessary they may elect to see our movement disorders physical therapist, occupational therapist, voice therapist, or swallowing expert.
The results of your FAST TRACK evaluation will then be reviewed by our NPF Center of Excellence Team of 21 multi-disciplinary faculty at our DBS BOARD. Your patient will be called with the results and recommendation of the board, and you will receive a letter with the recommendations. Good surgical candidates can be immediately scheduled for the operating room.
We provide all pre-operative, post-operative, and DBS programming care for your patients. Additionally, for centers who would like to perform their own DBS programming we will provide support services through our full time DBS programmer.
If you have any questions about movement disorders or movement disorders surgery please feel free to email or call one of our experts (352-273-5550) at any time.
- Michael S. Okun, M.D. (Movement Disorders Neurologist)
352-273-5550 okun@neurology.ufl.edu - Kelly D. Foote, M.D. (Movement Disorders Neurosurgeon)
352-392-4331 foote@neurosurgery.ufl.edu - Pam Zeilman, ARNP (DBS Programmer)
352-273-5550 pam.zeilman@neurology.ufl.edu