Online Research Study
Visual Difficulties in Persons with and without Neurological Disorders

We are conducting a research study in the rehabilitation clinic on visual difficulties in persons with versus without neurological disorders. We invite you and your family (e.g. spouse, partner, caregiver) to take part in this study. Your participation will help us understand the amount and type of visual difficulties in people with neurological disorders compared to those without neurological disorders. Participation is entirely voluntarily and will be anonymous. Participation involves answering survey questions online—this is expected to take approximately 15-30 minutes on your home computer. The only criteria for participation is: age 18 years and older. You do not have to have a specific type of neurological disorder; and if your family is willing to participate, they do not have to have any neurological injury.
If you would like to participate, please visit the following website: We ask that each individual please only participate in the survey questions one time.
If you have further questions regarding the study, you can contact Dr. Nicole Tester at