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Tourette Tips

Tourette Syndrome and Dating

Getting older with Tourette Syndrome can be challenging in many aspects, including the impact that tics can have on social interactions. Dating and meeting other people can be extremely stressful in general, but to those with tic disorders, can be particularly hard. When it comes time for dating,…

Back To School Tips for Tourette Syndrome

It’s that time of the year to get back to school. It can be difficult for children with Tourette Syndrome (TS) and the comorbid conditions to handle transitions and changes in their daily life, and transitioning back to school can be particularly hard. It is important to starting planning ahead…

Anger Outbursts and Tourette Syndrome

Children and adults with Tourette Syndrome can experience a phenomenon called “Rage Attacks” in which the person has an unexplained outburst of uncontrollable rage or anger. These “attacks” are typically not goal directed and do not seem purposeful or tantrum like. These periods of rage are more common at home…

How to Increase Awareness of TS in your Community

May 15-June 15 2015 is national Tourette Awareness Month.  Many clinics and counties are prompting awareness of Tourette Syndrome across the county.  If you are looking for ways to increase awareness in community, explore the following options. Join or create a Tourette Association of America support group Join the…

Social Concerns Related to Tourette Syndrome

Occasionally children with Tourette Syndrome can demonstrate difficulties with peer and adult social relationships. Having appropriate social skills is an important part of development, peer relations and school success. Many times, children with poor social skills can be extremely bright, but are limited in school because of their delayed social…

Benefits of Rehab Services for Management of Tourette Syndrome

Occupational, Speech and Physical Therapy services are skilled trained professionals that assist in the rehab process of various conditions throughout one’s lifespan. Rehab services are widely and commonly utilized for management of orthopedic conditions such as pain, broken bones or developmental delays in various forms. Occupational Therapy is now becoming…

Sleep Difficulties with Tourette Syndrome

Getting to bed and falling asleep can be difficult for a child with Tourette Syndrome (TS). It has been estimated that as many as 80% of patients with TS have sleeping difficulties. This can be for a variety of reasons including: Increased time it takes to fall asleep secondary to…

Strategies for Homework Success with Tourette Syndrome

Completing homework after school can be difficult with those children who suffer from Tourette Syndrome. Tics, themselves, can create difficulties with school work, but the comorbid conditions of attention difficulties, learning difficulties and/or compulsions, homework can be even more difficult. A lot of children tend to be “wired” after school…

How to get involved with Tourette Association of America (TAA)

The Tourette Asssociation of America (TAA)  is a great resource for families, children, adults, educators and physicians for education on Tourette Syndrome diagnosis and treatment.  The TSA is actively involed in adovating for those who struggle with TS.  Our goal, as a clinic, is to serve closely…

School Organization Strategies for Student’s with Tourette Syndrome

Children with Tourette Syndrome can demonstrate a number of limitations in school secondary to executive functioning deficits, attention deficits or the tics themselves. As a result of these challenges, children can demonstrate aggravation, poor school grades and increased stress/anxiety. One of the most common school limitations related to Tourette Syndrome…