This year, and every year, the Fixel Institute joins the Parkinson’s Foundation in recognizing our care partners for the National Family Caregivers Month.
We want to show our thanks and appreciation for those who give of themselves to ensure that their loved one living with Parkinson’s disease (PD) is healthy, productive and living a happy life.
Care partners and caregivers deserve to be recognized and celebrated.
Being a care partner for a loved one with Parkinson’s disease can be an emotional roller coaster. To help you along the way, the Parkinson’s Foundation and other programs across the country have pulled together resources to ensure that you have the tools that you need to stay healthy and feel supported.
This year, the Parkinson’s Foundation wanted to empower and remind care partners of how much they are valued and do in their daily caregiving roles. To support this, this year’s theme is #CarePartnersCan. With recognizing the many things that care partners do each day:
- #CarePartnersCan find resources
- #CarePartnersCan open up about how they feel
- #CarePartnersCan make a difference for their loved one
- #CarePartnersCan take time for self-care
Thank you From Fixel
Parkinson’s Foundation Resources
Parkinson’s Foundation Helpline
Need immediate support? Staffed by nurses, social workers and therapists, the free Helpline is available to answer caregiver questions and concerns. Just call 1-800-473-4636.

Fixel Support
Fixel Institute Patients & Caregivers
C.A.R.E.S. Program
C.A.R.E.S (Caregivers Accessing Resources for Emotional Support) is free, 1-on-1 counseling to caregivers of patients in the Fixel Institute who are currently experiencing emotional and mental strain while caring for a loved one. Can be provided by Zoom online. To schedule this FREE service, call our office at 352.733.2410 or email Alana McKay.

Fixel Institute Patients and Caregivers
Fixel Caregiver Support Groups
Join the Fixel Institute for their monthly caregiver meeting that occurs on the first Friday of every month and PWP/caregiver group on the third Friday of every month. Currently, sessions are being held virtually.

Parkinson’s CareGiver Resources
Practicing Self-care
Mindful Monday
Mindful Resilience for Care Partners
Parkinson’s Foundation Mindfulness Monday program offers this brief, free course on staying resilience as a care partner.

Michael J. Fox Foundation
You, Your Loved One and Parkinson’s Disease
Download this guidebook from Lonnie Ali, wife of Muhammad Ali. This guide provides information on maintaining friendship, taking care of yourself and more.

Davis Phinney Foundation
Every Victory Counts Manual
Whether you are the spouse, partner, child, parent, sibling, or friend of your person with Parkinson’s, you are an invaluable part of their team. Your role as a care partner will evolve throughout the years, but in each stage, it is essential to equip yourself with tools, advice, strategies, and support to ensure that you and your loved one live well. Davis Phinney Foundation designed a new Every Victory Counts® Manual for Care Partners to give you just that.

Parkinson’s Foundation
Caregiver Experience Podcast
In this podcast, a care partner relates her journey with her husband, who received a PD diagnosis at age 51. She tells about her initial shock and fears and how she came to terms with the disease, and about their journey together, using information and knowledge to help them deal with changing situations.

Staying Healthy as a Caregiver
During the Parkinson’s Foundation Care Partner Program: Staying Healthy as a Care Partner, Amy Goyer, AARP’s Family and Caregiving Expert, answered the most common questions about staying healthy while also being a care partner to a person with Parkinson’s disease (PD).

Davis Phinney Foundation
2021 Care Partner Summit Recording
This event was designed at hoping care partners become the care partner your person with Parkinson’s needs without burning out, losing yourself, and losing the joy of life.

PMD Alliance
Planning for a Future
The main intention behind the resource was to encourage care partners to take the time now to think about what their or their loved one’s needs might be in the future to help reduce stress, give them more control and help guide them in challenging times.

Caregiver Bill of Rights
Many caregivers can lose themselves and what brings them joy if they are not mindful of their own needs. Here’s some universal considerations for all caregivers…

Finding Support
Support Groups
Access for a list of Parkinson’s Support Groups and Caregiver Support Groups across Florida.

PD Conversations
Join online discussion groups where you can connect with others who are sharing similar experiences to you and your loved one.

November 5, 2022
2022 Care Partner Summit
Care partners have an enormous and often underappreciated job. Join the Parkinson Foundation at the 2022 Care Partner Summit in Atlanta, GA or virtually in to learn valuable tools for caregiving and networking.

Children as Care Partners
Mommy has PD…But Its Ok
Educating your children about your diagnosis of PD can be challenging. However, the APDA hopes to make this easier with this cartoon.

Caregiver Assessments
HEalthy Aging
Caregiver Distress Assessment Tool
It is important for caregivers to maintain their own well-being. Take their online Caregiver Self Assessment below.
Parkinson’s Foundation
Self-Assessment Tool for Caregivers
Take this self-assessment quiz to see which areas of your life may need attention.