Congratulations to first year CHP doctoral student, Brittany Rohl, whose research , “Construct validity of the UF DBS Cognitive Rating Scale in 270 patients” was selected for presentation in the “Cutting Edge Research from Emerging Psychological Scientists: Late Breaking Poster Session” during the 2018 annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco.
Brittany is an Associate Trainee on UF’s T32 predoctoral training program Interdisciplinary Training in Movement Disorder , co-directed by Drs. Bowers and Valliancourt. She graduated from Fordham University and completed 3 years of post-baccalaureate training (with Elon Louis, MD, Stephanie Cosentino, Ph.D., & Marla Hamberger, Ph.D. ) before joining Dr. Bowers’ cognitive neuroscience laboratory at the University of Florida during fall 2017.