Allied Team Training for Parkinson’s Disease was hosted at the University of Florida Gainesville– Movement Disorders Center site (Sept 30-Oct 4). Teams came from all over the country to train in best practices in the interdisciplinary care of the Parkinson’s disease patient. UF took advantage of the hosting venue to get a ton of Shands, VA and UF therapists from all disciplines trained. The program has to date trained almost 1200 people worldwide and it is a signature program of the National Parkinson Foundation. Special thanks to Irene Malaty, Rachelle Stephen and Janet Romrell for coordinating all of the activities. Patients can take solace in knowing UF teams have twice attended this event, and we hope provide world class care for Parkinson’s disease (Ruth Hagestuen, Elaine Cohen, and Denise Beran from NPF are the contacts if anyone is interested in attending one of the trainings).
Allied Team Training for PD at UF Site
About the Author

Charles Jacobson
Chuck Jacobson maintains the UFMDC Research and Clinical database called INFORM.
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